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How To Write A Book in 30 Days

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Introducing the Verlanda Nacole LLC eBook: How to Write a Book in 30 Days


Have you ever dreamt of writing a book but felt overwhelmed by the daunting task ahead? Perhaps you've been harboring a story idea or a unique perspective that you're eager to share with the world, but you're unsure where to start or how to find the time amidst your busy schedule. If this sounds like you, then this book is the book you need!


The idea of writing a book in just 30 days may seem ambitious, even impossible, but I'm here to tell you that it's entirely achievable with the right mindset, tools, and strategies. This book is designed to guide you through a structured and efficient process that will empower you to write your book in a month—yes, you read that correctly, in just 30 days!


Why 30 days? Well, setting a specific and challenging timeframe can be incredibly motivating. It pushes you to prioritize your writing, eliminate procrastination, and make tangible progress each day. This approach is not about rushing through your writing but rather about maintaining momentum, staying focused, and harnessing your creativity to produce a first draft in a relatively short period.


In the following chapters, you'll discover a step-by-step plan tailored for busy individuals like solopreneurs, professionals, and aspiring authors who are juggling multiple responsibilities. You'll learn practical tips on time management, overcoming writer's block, structuring your book, and maintaining consistency throughout the writing process.


Whether you're writing fiction, non-fiction, a memoir, or a self-help book, the principles and techniques outlined in this guide will be applicable to various genres and writing styles. The key is to adapt these strategies to fit your unique writing goals, preferences, and lifestyle.


So, are you ready to embark on this exciting journey and bring your book idea to life in just 30 days? Grab your favorite writing tools, clear your schedule, and let's get started on this transformative adventure together!



Please note that this is an ebook available for purchase and immediate download.

With the convenience of an ebook format, you can access the Verlanda Nacole LLC Planner anytime, anywhere, from your preferred device. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or a budding writer, this ebook provides the tools and guidance you need to make your book-writing dreams a reality.


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Independently Published



This purchase gives you access to a ZIP FILE which includes the eBook and 10 Worksheets to help you achieve your 30 day goal of becoming an author.

eBook:  How to Write a Book in 30 days


1.  Creating a Winning Title and eBook Cover

2.  Your Kindle eBook Structure

3.  7 Essentials for Writing a Powerful Book

4.  Which Category to Choose

5.  Pricing Your Kindle Book

6.  Uploading Your Kindle eBook Correctly

7.  How to Write an Interview Style Kindle Book

8.  How to Write a How To Book

9.  Writing a 101 Ideas for Book

10.  Writing All  About Books

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